Perfomers include: Seize the Karp, Flight Squadron Yon!, Laren Corey, Ruby Williams, Liz Thorp, Adolph Cwik/ "Recycle My Heart" and MORE!
Poets/ Songwriters are invited to come share on the open stage any poem/song that expresses compassion /awareness for any issue in the world today.
Artists (Visual or Performing) are invited to come display any work they have created through any media (sculpture, canvas, dance) that relates to these issues as well.
Organizations are invited to set up display to help people understand your cause.
No Entry Fee!**
Open Graffitt/Art Walls
Anyone looking for a place to recycle unused paint and brushes are invited to drop off with Student Senate at the college.
Bring your own supplies, if you want!
No Aerosal
"Roast your Own" Hotdogs (organic/tofu), Smores,
$5.00 Donation
also join us for the:
Bliss Fest Site Cleanup
Date: Saturday, April 25
Place: Bliss Farm/Festival Grounds
Time: 10:00 am and after
Workbee! Pitch in to help get the Farm and Site spruced up and ready for another season of music and great atmosphere! Planting, raking, helping to clean new construction, ect... Bring a lunch! Potluck and music in the evening for those that were there to help out. (Bring a dish!) This event is being held in conjunction with Bliss Fest, Circle of Community, and The R.A.G.E. "ALL TOGETHER NOW!"
Let's make the world a better place!
The R.A.G.E. stands for "Revolution Against Garbage Everywhere". It is a project started by songwriter/artist, Lauri (Laura Belle) Newton and her daughter, Jasmine Lace Petrie, of Petoskey. Its goal is to bring people together in a creative open atmosphere on a platform where all can share. It seeks to raise awareness and compassion in our community for issues that matter in our world today. It encourages artists, educators, and organizations to work together to make the world a better place. It is looking for talent in the arts that have not had an opportunity to share themselves, and those that have! We want to bring people together at our events to lay the ground work for change against "garbage everywhere"... (not just in the earth and air, but in our hearts, thought processes, and society everywhere). Think Global. Act Local.
The R.A.G.E. is a Poetry Reading, Songwriting Album Compilation Project that has recently been awarded a starter grant from Do Something.Org and The Grammy Foundation from a contest that was looking for projects that are trying to make a difference in the world with music. (Thanks to young local songwriter, Liz Thorp who submitted the entry!) We are looking for songs of any genre that were written with a message that could change the world. We would like help rework and develope any song with potential. Final mastering and recording is being done through Tres Dog Productions (231)330-5262/Scottie's Music Recording Studio (231)838-1204. Please contact us if you are a songwriter with something to share! The R.A.G.E. (231)-838-1890 also visit
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